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01/01/15 11:50 PM

#2050 RE: MJ moneymaker #1999

MJ, I was wrong, but why are you such a poor sport about it??  You could've easily been wrong, too, and its sad you don't realize that. The weather luckily extended warmer, so some of the credit you brag about is LUCK.
Also Understand this...
You went way back quite a while ago to our discussion. Isn't it pathetic that you care that much to go back like that and pick a fight with me?? What a sensitive ego and inferiority complex you obviously have to write me like that and care about replying to those old posts. If you were mentally healthy and not so insecure, then you would not have needed to satisfy yourself with a message board vendetta towards me. Think about it. You know I'm right.
I was wrong and you were right about nat gas, but you're very wrong in your reply & treatment of me... Your derogatory style & bragging revenge post shows what lack of class you have and how immature you are to care so much about drama at a message board.
LOL... Happy new year, ya 'wanker'. Way to start the year as a bragging putz!!