You both are missing another key part of the increased AS.
Per the filling..
"Another immediate purpose for increasing our authorized Common Stock, as well as increasing our authorized preferred stock is to effectuate a potential capital raise. "
No link provided & only $$hope $$Hype $$Excerpts that is $$omission So NO explanation of $$hope $$Hype or $$SVFC's $$Failed $$Dreams is $$necessary for me or the $$Investing $$Public...the $$FACTS $$in $$entirety $$are $$Quite $$Clear $$For $$ALL $$to $$witness. but Mine clearly has the link(s) & the results of ALL past share increases as well...aahh the $$whole $$story $$No $$omissions 250,000,000,000 Shares Authorized$$SVFC's $$Long $$Decline EVER $$Since .078 in 7-12-2013 to 0001 again today 12/30/14 $$coincide with $$declining $$shareholder $$value $$Billions of $$shares $$trading @ 000485 w/ $NO $Bid $so .078 down to 0000485 The Investing Public can clearly see how many share raises, w/ the same old tired excuses & the resulting maxing out of the increased shares