It's no big deal to move shares from one account to another. Especially when they were restricted and have zero impact on the pps. Also, ntek never said they were not going to raise the a/s. Fact.
I get it o'plenty thank you. Been here for a good good long while. Before they ever dropped the A/S. I get that employees have options, I get that a letter written explaining the buybacks and share structure and uplist. I'm stating that I would feel a lot better if they came off the A/S that's all. Do you not agree? Lowering the o/s in a pink stock is rare yes. But those shares can be given back out immediately. And in the pinks I'm guessing not using them is less rare then giving them back out. And telling everyone don't worry audits are on the way is way more scary to me than adding to the a/s....that's talking out the wrong hole and causes panic when it's not needed. I don't think you realize that!