wet magnetic separation?
Ya, right
Let me get this straight:
You have to crush the the ore to almost nothing, use a wet magnetic separator, dry the concentrate, truck it to the nearest rail, unload it, load it again to the rail cars, unload it at the laydown yard, truck it to the loading area, load it onto a ship to China for 51 dollars a ton? Correct? Ya, right. Is that the easy part?
You also assume that the sulphur will be removed or separated in this separation process. That is a big, big assumption and can be done profitably? Have they done the metallurgy to prove what you/they have said?
According to your PDF: reduce penalties to ~12%
All that work and only a 6% reduction in penalty?
price today for 62%...not 61% to China is 67 dollars before penalty.....
Your cost...again according to your PDF you delivered cost is.....wait for it....60 dollars ( how did it get to 50 dollars?) So you are still losing money even after your so called "easy wet separation" process.