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12/27/14 11:46 AM

#185200 RE: DewDiligence #185197

ACHN—You’re now using a GILD trial of two nukes (one of which failed) to predict the trial outcome of ACHN’s combination of a nuke and an NS5A inhibitor!

That's a TOTAL misinterpretation of what I said!!!!!!!

I'm merely pointing out that a total dose of 700 mg of GILD nukes -- 400 mg sofosbuvir + 300 mg PSI-352938 produces a log10 kill of 5.0 after 14 days of dosing or about same as the 700 mg dose of ACH 3422 which produced a log10 kill of 4.8 after 14 days.

I also pointed out that in the Phase 2 trial all arms containing PSI-352938 gave liver enzyme elevations and Gilead reluctantly dropped PSI-352938, even though it is more potent than sofosbuvir!

OK, ACH 3422 is not as good as sofosbuvir as a single agent, but as the recent 6 week trial results of ACH 3102 + sofosbuvir indicate, 3102 is far superior to GILD's ledipasvir or MRK's NS5A.

Is ACH 3422 good enough to produce high SVR12 in a combo with ACH 3102 in a 8 or 6 week treatment. The answer to me is ... YES!!!!!

GILD's Harvoni is the new standard for HCV treatment now, and ACHN may soon have a better version of it!!!