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Black Beerd

12/26/14 12:43 PM

#203647 RE: doogdilinger #203626

THE 500/1 R/S and PPS tells the story here

They can hype all these non relevant products they want the proof is exactly what the CEO personally delivered. He emptied the 1st and 2nd rounders portfolios....he did by deception inability to lead and dilution. Now prepping for another R/S... think he'll tell everyone again that its necessary for uplisting?

These products are just a drop in the ocean with the only thing ever known is the tried and true branded products.

"blown" Aire vs the multitude of you tube solutions as Dennis so clearly helped divulge the only thing is that desperate companies alike are trying to see what can be done to salvage something. Eric steps forward because he has the ability to create additional dilution with this hype.

Any newbies.... this is as dangerous a security as you can touch. A CEO who will do anything and say anything to see his pay check and Gal Pals get cashed. IMO I believe he has sold these others a bill of goods and these guys have no idea who they have crawled into the Bizz bed with. These other desperate companies need to start doing their homework. Maybe Hopetocashin should start making some phone calls to these other companies and start sharing the truths Hope has shared here.

Sorry, but to the shareholders here the New Year will be just more of the same out of this company.

All Just MY opinion.