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12/22/14 3:57 PM

#261953 RE: NummyNums #261819

Wow, logged in here to great news from NTEK. By my count Ultraflix is releasing several 4K master A list movies in time for Christmas viewing:
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Rain Man
Everyone of then classics.
The already mentioned The World's Fastest Indian
(Am I missing anything?)

Even the most committed NTEK hater has to eat a little crow now, for it proves that NTEK has been working to secure A - list content, while they were distracted by peripheral and now obviously moot personal attacks on DF. And since NTEK has shown that they can secure such classics as these, it stands to reason that (1) they've got more in the pipeline, but above all, (2) that they have the momentum and platform that other studios will get in on.

This is huge news folks, and if were anywhere but in the purgatory of pennyland stocks, this would sky rocket even on this current share structure.

I have been very frustrated at NTEK's dilution but if they can secure this kind of content and keep doing so in a big way, and sustain a revenue stream so that they no longer need dilution to operate and make deals, than all our long suffering will have been worth it.

Merry Christmas to all faithful longs