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12/22/14 12:46 PM

#203583 RE: dirtydave #203580

It's not a new product...the company that owns it failed miserably at selling it for over a in comes Eric with his joint venture bravado...only to discover 3 months into it that his idea of commercialization attempts is to pay a few hundred dollars for email spams targeting a few thousand American smokers hahahahahahhaa!!!

In other words more same ole same ole Eric smoke and mirrors to give himself some new blog material which time easily proves brings ZERO results!!!


12/22/14 3:37 PM

#203596 RE: dirtydave #203580

ReGuard1, Kind Laundry and trackmoist aren't new. How are the sales on them? I can tell you. The sales suck because in an entire quarter of ALL products were are only talking $75K.


09/19/15 3:24 PM

#206394 RE: dirtydave #203580

More like it was just getting finished heh heh heh!

But Eric in his patterned deceptive ways still tried to deceive the public by continuing to refer to the blau aire product in 2 different disclosed WNBD financials(the year end and Q1) along with Keeping it listed on WNBD's corporate website into September 2015...well AFTER the joint venture with Blau Aire had ended on March 4th, 2015!

So Eric sure gave it time attempting to deceive the public into believing he still had a joint venture +6 months after it had ended!

But by golly there's all sorts of old youtube videos out there to make up for the fact that Home Depot Canada booted WNBD's lead product out of their stores over +4 months ago!

Hilarious how Eric the great babblin' blog bamboozler has completely destroyed 2 sets of WNBD shareholders but for some the old youtube videos of the WNBD product demo's are somehow relevant weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee