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12/22/14 12:40 PM

#32782 RE: KingDMC #32781


The really Big gains will be in the Long Term with splits and Dividends!...I don't know if I will follow through but my plan is to Hold FB for a Long Time!....When you consider how MSFT did over the years and calculate the Splits and Dividends...Every Share bought in its first few years is now worth exponentially More....I am thinking FB is a modern day MSFT opportunity!!!


12/22/14 1:14 PM

#32786 RE: KingDMC #32781

I'm another one who will be here. My wife and I decided to buy in on ipo day just to say we own some....she is a facebook user (to say the least). Since then transfered some to my kids for Christmas just so they can say they own some. I have never traded a share and not planning on retiring for about another 8 years or another 10 years will be an easy hold. All my "real" money is invested with folks who "know" how to do it and we are doing very well. Fortunately we don't have to sell any anytime soon.
I too hope that FB becomes the next Microsoft or Google so maybe my little investment here pays off big in the long run :)