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12/22/14 11:06 AM

#28980 RE: biglued1 #28978

That was the turning point in my opinion of them....before that I was a big supporter. It's not all about losing my investment. That was a risk I was willing to take. If I lose money is a stock choice that's my own fault if giving solid and honest information. How Oriens/Pnow handled their PR's knowingly misleading investors is sickening. If they had laid everything on the line and conveyed to investors this is what needs to be done.....ok, give us a choice. I would have most likely been prepared for a bumpy ride. BUT, the way they danced around what was coming and actually insisted they would not "reverse out" anyone gave many of us the confidence to purchase more shares....which I did.

After it was to late they then conveinently explain what "reverse out" means to them.....that when they actually execute the Reverse Split that people with 1 share wouldn't lose everything and at least hold 1 share within a certain structure. They knowingly mislead investors.....they are dishonest and all new investors really need to see that many of on here trying to now warn others it's because business should NEVER be conducted like this. I still hold my shares....I have no choice at this point. I am down probably 90% by now. I am not looking to get "cheap shares' by giving bad info......please, anyone looking to invest in this company take time and read through this forum, their past PR's and really think it through.

Huggy Bear

12/22/14 1:51 PM

#28984 RE: biglued1 #28978

The reverse split was already filed nearly two months before it occcured in the Nevada SOS filings. We pointed it out daily. Anyone who believed Pereira over the filing got scorched.

PNOW is a complete fraud.