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12/21/14 10:13 PM

#274646 RE: shermann7 #274644

Walid Shoebat to CNN:

I was laughing my head off while I watched myself on CNN?s Anderson Cooper 360. Before the show came on, they aired footage of Hugh Hefner who swims in a pool of money and women; yet we were made out like bandits because our charity reported 1/2 million dollars last year; it was very funny.

CNN wanted me to tell them how our money is spent. All right, CNN, I confess everything:

I Confess: We are sending money to criminals. It?s true. They are Pakistani criminals who are hiding from the law. They are purported to have committed the worst crime in Pakistani law: Blasphemy of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.?
CNN is right to come after me. I committed the same crime.

I Confess: I did tell Drew Griffin, ?It?s none of your business? - it was all caught on camera. But only an idiot will talk to reporters and give details of sending money to wanted criminals.

I Confess: Keith's senior moment on CNN shows how unprofessional we really are. We set up an advisory board several years ago who we rarely contact.? Keith could not remember their names with a TV camera in his face; his performance would seem to debunk the myth that Jews are exceptionally smart.

I Confess: I do not qualify as an expert on terrorism since I am not an atheist-socialist-liberal and my books have the word ?God? on them; had I used ?Allah,? CNN and CAIR would not mind.

I Confess: ?I was not a ?professional? terrorist ? I didn?t succeed in killing innocent
people.? I am not a ?professional? terrorist consultant either. All I do is translate what sneaky Muslims say in Arabic and compare it to their English. ?Rarely ever do they match, and CNN never reports on them.

I Confess: I sell books for a living that have lots of flaws. English is my second language and my editor is a nice lady named Cheryl Taylor who is about to retire.? Some spelling errors accidentally slip in, and people complain about them. But what can I do? Cheryl also has to make a living.

I Confess: I am not the smartest guy when it comes to terrorism. Drew Griffin was right; there were 19 hijackers on 9/11, not 17. But is that why Anderson Cooper 360 degrees, Huffington Post, CAIR and Chris Hedges are after my hide?

I Confess: Chris Hedges is a lot smarter than I. They gave him an award?he was a Pulitzer Prize winner. Perhaps if I do my own ?360 degrees? and convert back to being a terrorist, I might win the Nobel Peace Prize. Arafat won it by simply speaking a few words?in English.

I Confess: I am not exactly connected to the Mossad, but I pay money to an I.D.F soldier named Mosheh Avraham to maintain our website and keep track of newsworthy stories.

I Confess: Mosheh kills terrorists?literally.

I Confess: We pay another lady to bombard and harass pastors to get us in the door. At times, we joke that some pastors are like a blood clot that only a lady can move out of the way, allowing us to spread what CAIR calls ?Islamophobia.?

I Confess: We also pay for flights, hotels, articles, interview bookings and daily press releases. Special Guests are the cheapest and worth every cent.

I Confess: Last year we spent over $80,000 in Texas for a memorial event for the Fort Hood Massacre victims, a tragedy perpetrated by a Muslim, but CNN does not want me to refer to Nidal Malek Hassan as a Muslim. Mentioning religious affiliation of terrorists is an insult, unless of course, the terrorist is a Christian.

I Confess: I am nosy and I want to know about CAIR?s funding. Will CNN help me?

I Confess: I looked like a slob on CNN. ?The truth is, I need new attire, but I am quite the cheapskate and hate wasting money.

I Confess: I critique Islam. Hindus stopped burning widows?thanks to critics of Hinduism.

I Confess:? I am a racist.? I became one when I quit hating Israel.

I Confess: When liberals say that I should be thrown in jail since I am a confessed terrorist, they are right. But why imprison repentant terrorists, while CNN wants to release unrepentant terrorists from Gitmo?

When I get old, fatter and saggy, I will still laugh at Drew Griffin.? He could not debunk the facts and he is plainly stupid.
-Walid Shoebat


12/21/14 11:13 PM

#274650 RE: shermann7 #274644

Enough, Walid Shoebat: Why is Sean Hannity’s Fake Terrorist Harassing Me?

If this proves out, I will eat some of my words.


12/22/14 2:27 AM

#274651 RE: shermann7 #274644

CNN Reporter Drew Griffin Is A Proven Liar

CNN Reporter Drew Griffin Is A Proven Liar?

Relevant information in response to the recent character attack of Walid Shoebat by CNN

CNN’s Drew Griffin “investigative journalist” has a long history of sloppy reporting as well as being an out and out liar. The left wing media always will show you who they are most of afraid of when they go out of their way to lie about people who they view as a major threat to their agenda. Here is a whopper from Drew “Screw” Griffin concerning his distortion on a story concerning Sarah Palin in which Bill O’Reilly exposes him as a bare faced liar.

It is honor to know that we are in good company with former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, and that our work is so frustrating to the vultures at CNN that they have to lie about us too. It is no wonder in the last year they have lost another 50% of their audience, 50% of an already a tiny market share of the US news audience, which had already been in steep decline. Based on how they operate it is no wonder.

Over the next 24 hours we will expose the underhandness and lies concerning their hit job on Walid, as well as providing solid evidence of Walid’s past We have email correspondence which proves our effort to cooperate.


From Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston, CNN Special Investigations Unit

The Hit blog you posted.

Drew Griffin. The Liar.

When I get old, fatter and saggy, I will still laugh at Drew Griffin.
He could not debunk the facts and he is plainly stupid.
-Walid Shoebat


He is exposed by Bill O’Reilly who has an audience 10 times bigger than CNN, I wonder why?

We received an unsolicited email from an unimpeachable source that CAIR was fully involved and helped CNN with this smear. Obviously we cannot reveal the name as it would compromise him, which is frustrating for us. CNN are lying when they denied CAIR’s involvement as they did through the whole story.

We need help from you out there: both to write to Anderson Cooper and CNN about your outrage. Keep emails short and professional.

We believe his email is:
head of CNN is:
You also might like to scour blogs that attack Walid’s credentials and link a positive comment with a link back to:


12/22/14 2:45 AM

#274652 RE: shermann7 #274644

A 180 on Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN's Agenda-Driven Journalism Against Walid Shoebat Exposed

CNN has lost half their viewers in less than two years. It a last ditch effort for survival it appears that CNN has crossed the line from journalism to tabloid sensationalism. Such seems to be the case with the recent Anderson Cooper 360 investigative report on former Islamic PLO Terrorist Walid Shoebat who converted from fundamental Islam to Christianity and the ways of the West. But instead of exposing current, unreformed terrorists, CNN chose to blatantly smear and attack a reformed terrorist, reinforcing the cynical view a growing number of people have that at CNN: "No good deed goes unpunished."