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12/21/14 4:40 PM

#78672 RE: 427Cobra #78671

If Rim gives us nothing else, maybe we are now getting a valuable
lesson. When I first started on RB, I was a long and was exchanging
e-mails with Excel on a different subject. Once I discovered
Rim to be a scam, I posted such and immediately lost most of
my new-found internet friends. In fact, I changed my name to
"goldrusher" so I could continue to e-mail as a friend. As I
said, Beachbreak and I were lonely back then. Soon, however,
Excel and many others jumped the fence and I then had about
as many friends as enemies.

Then the first lesson. I met "HopefulOne", Alan Kodicek and
we lunched many times. A finer guy you would be hard pressed to
meet. He finally admitted to realizing he had been defrauded, but
he never blamed Ray. He blamed himself for not being more diligent.
That was the character of the man and I still miss him now after
a couple years have passed since he died.

Now, Alan had also met Sherman (Cobra) and related to me what a
fine guy Sherman was. What??? Another "enemy" that is a fine
guy? Yeah, but he was a "long". How can that be?

Maybe, the real worth of our characters is not determined by
how we perceive the value of any given stock at any given time.

Yes, I wish I had convinced more and sooner as it would have
saved them big losses, but was that my real concern or was it
to protect my ego after having been called a "basher", etc.

Now is the time of year to re-evaluate our perceptions of
"friends and enemies"

The Christmas sermon is over and I will now pass the collection
plate. Be generous.



12/21/14 4:50 PM

#78673 RE: 427Cobra #78671

Even after knowing the TRUTH you still went after people like myself for so called ruining of your investment right to the end.

Continued to back Brad a CON MAN!

Not once did you admit the lies about the so called loan, tech, etc etc etc.

Was money so important to you instead of admitting the truth you made up every excuse there was?

How can you say you didn't see the con job going on?

I haven't looked at the board for a long time. I can't believe that people are still spending time here.

You came here. Interesting.

Why are people here. Can't speak for them but for me ........


Since the SEC along with other agency's failed in their duty and I admit there is thousands of scams out there but since they failed to give justice where justice was due some of us are going to make sure these people involved to the day they die know without repenting they will not be forgotten.

The SEC and other agency's had the TRUTH handed to them with document after document from an insider besides stock holders info.

The SEC had it all right in front of them from an insider who worked from RSMI. I know this for a FACT I was given the same info.

The amount of money compared to a regular investigation to go after RSMI would have been peanuts due to this persons efforts to right a wrong.

Two stock scams tried to be started from people with RSMI and because people got the word out one is totally shut down and the other can't even get a one day pump.

So yes, it's worth it not having more people's lives be ruined by deception especially when GOD'S name is used for that DECEPTION!

You had the FACTS in front of you.

I was wrong also but at least I was MAN enough to admit I was conned!

To say everything I said I believed to be true is a cop out! One big EXCUSE!

Was it the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??? Only you know that.

I don't in a million years think you are stupid. I also don't think anyone could be conned all that time.


08/30/18 10:00 PM

#78721 RE: 427Cobra #78671

Does anyone ever know what happened to Cupria?