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12/20/14 11:53 PM

#83504 RE: TheDane #83490

Hmmm. I'll try to fit in here better, and I really want to. Maybe, in the interest of thoughtful give and take on the prospects of the company in which we've invested our assets, devil-may-care like, I should go way out on a limb and opine on a given trading day that the CTIX share price will be somewhere between fractionally higher to slightly higher at the end of that trading day. Prediction or argument? Either way, I can't seem to discern the defense, but then they don't hire the likes of me at the produce stand slash garden center for our higher reasoning capacities.

Coincidentally, I'm first generation Dane. My Dad came here just after the war to learn how the Yanks did dairy farming, and ended up owning a stevedoring & shipping agency. You?

I can't say. But will anyway. smile it's an either or:




Either way will be good, though one is better. Go CTIX!

BWDIK? IMHO! Do your own DD! Consult you financial advisor.

That should cover it. wink