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Black Beerd

12/20/14 2:44 PM

#203520 RE: Dennisb68 #203518

Even with the Duane reade stores as large account... Remember how that all worked out? sales with DR dropped 45%... this is more smoke and mirrors... always the next year and the next account that's going to save the day. It's all about dilution now and he can't dilute enough beyond his and Gal Pals pay check. This company only goes where this idiot CEO has taken it. Wait until the next R/S... we'll get some BS about having to do it again and he'll tie it in with some fluff anticipation of orders that just never come or amount to anything. Did anyone forget about the GSA contract? wasn't the military going to be the holy grail? This bad acting job by the ceo has been tried and tested and failed. More insults... and this company is not by any measure a young company. Totally misleading and deceptive. It is approaching 10 years and lost millions... some might call this company now road hard and hung up wet.

Unique products aren't the answer.... you need a CEO who can manage and has a half a brain that understands branding and brand development and who has a budget to do so. Those qualities don't exist in this CEO.

"Now that's pretty pathetic."

Along with a long list of other descriptive character traits of this CEO.