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12/19/14 9:48 PM

#27944 RE: Snizzle #27934

Snizzle, I'm not sure Pandora gets anything out of that, as I suspect they already do business with many of the same radio stations as RadioLoyalty. That would be an expensive way to take out a competitor. Way cheaper to hire some folks to short the company and make it difficult for STTK to find decent financing.

I'm not saying Pandora is doing that... I have no idea... but it wouldn't surprise me if I was told they were. I've seen way too many cutthroat business executives who were willing to walk a shady line, imo.


Snizzle Member Profile Snizzle Member Level Friday, December 19, 2014 9:22:06 PM
Re: PhantomRecce post# 27929 Post # of 27943

I don't think so.....Pandora could scoop up STTK in the bat of an eye.