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Cha-Cha-Cha: Obama’s On a Roll

December 19, 2014
By John Cassidy


If you doubted that President Obama’s decision to normalize relations with Cuba was a political and strategic masterstroke, you only have to look at the reaction it has engendered to see otherwise. From Washington to Florida to Caracas, the President’s critics are wandering around in a state of confusion and cognitive dissonance, while more objective observers, including many in Latin America, are hailing the move as a turning point. (In his Daily Comment on Thursday, my colleague Jon Lee Anderson provided some valuable historical context.)

Let’s start with Latin America, where President Nicolás Maduro, the leftist President of Venezuela, who has previously described Obama as a dutiful servant of American imperialism, said, “We have to recognize the gesture of President Barack Obama, a brave gesture and historically necessary, perhaps the most important step of his Presidency.” In Friday’s issue of the Times, Andrés Pastrana, a former President of Colombia, was quoted as saying, “There will be radical and fundamental change. I think that, to a large extent, the anti-imperialist discourse that we have had in the region has ended. The Cold War is over.”

Actually, of course, the Cold War ended on December 26, 1991, the day the Soviet Union was disbanded. On this side of the Atlantic, however, the ongoing standoff between Washington and Havana served to obscure this reality for more than two decades. “For us, social fighters, today is a historic day,” Dilma Rousseff, the sixty-seven-year-old President of Brazil, who, like many leftist Latin American politicians of her generation, did her stint as a Marxist radical, said shortly after Wednesday’s announcement. “We imagined we would never see this moment.”

It is important not to go overboard: tensions between the United States and its southern neighbors haven’t disappeared overnight. On Thursday, for example, President Obama signed legislation allowing his Administration to freeze the financial assets of Venezuelan officials involved in crackdowns on domestic protesters—a move that brought forth another bitter denunciation from Maduro. But credit where it is due: coming from an Administration that is sometimes accused of ignoring its own back yard, this was a foreign-policy move of great symbolic importance, and it didn’t emerge spontaneously from the ether.

Obama, with his clear-eyed approach to the world, which is surely borne partly of having spent some of his formative years living ten thousand miles away from the Washington, has long been aware that the United States’s bullying approach toward a small island in the Caribbean made no sense. As far back as May, 2008, when he was running for President, he pointed out that the U.S. policy of isolating Havana economically and diplomatically was serving the interests of neither Americans nor Cubans. After taking office, he lifted restrictions on how much money Cubans living in the United States could send to their families, and how often they could return home. As a realist and a humanitarian, he should have gone further—and now he has, creating consternation and division in the Republican ranks.

Back in 2008, John McCain said that Obama, in talking of improving relations with Cuba, was exhibiting “weak leadership.” As was evident to everybody at the time, this was a thinly coded way of accusing him of going soft on the geriatric Castro brothers and their perfidious Commie regime. Six and a half years later, Marco Rubio is sticking to the same dog-eared G.O.P. script. On Wednesday, the Florida senator, whose parents are Cuban immigrants, accused Obama of forging a “disgraceful deal” that amounted to “just another concession to a tyranny.” On Thursday, Rubio blasted Rand Paul, his Republican colleague, who had dared to break with the party line by saying that Obama’s move was “probably a good idea” because the old policy of isolation had failed. Rubio, appearing on Fox News, said of Paul, “Like many people who have been opining, he has no idea what he’s talking about.”

As Rubio finished up his interview with Megyn Kelly, you could almost hear the cheers from the White House, not to mention from the Clinton residence in Chappaqua. It’s not yet the end of 2014, and two of the G.O.P.’s likely Presidential contenders for 2016 are already slashing at each other.

Not only that, but Jeb Bush, fresh from announcing, via Facebook, that he was all but entering the Presidential race, got himself in a Cuban pickle. A longtime foe of liberalizing relations with Havana, he took to Facebook again, this time to slam Obama’s move and describe it as “another dramatic overreach of his executive authority.” So far, so predictable. But then BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski pointed out on Wednesday night that Bush has a lucrative consulting gig with a big bank, Barclays, that paid a heavy fine, not so long ago, for violating the sanctions on Cuba. Ouch! According to the Financial Times, even before the BuzzFeed story came out, Bush was in the midst of cutting his ties to Barclays. But the damage had been done and, by Thursday night, Rachel Maddow was busy regaling her MSNBC viewers with Jeb’s Cuba troubles. She didn’t quite break out a chorus of “Happy Days Are Here Again,” but that was her general drift.

No wonder that Obama was looking so chipper at his year-end press conference on Friday, during which he announced that he would take some unspecified actions against North Korea for hacking Sony. Since the midterm elections on November 4th, he has introduced his own immigration reforms, called for Internet-service providers to be regulated like utilities, reached a climate agreement with China, and, now, embarked on a reset with Cuba. It is true that, in the interim, he also signed a lousy spending bill stuffed with giveaways to corporate interests, among them Wall Street banks and truck companies. But still: for a President who, on Election Night, was being written off as the lamest of ducks, it’s quite a turnaround. The Washington Post ’s David Ignatius reckons that the sports-loving President is breaking out his changeup.

A headline at Politico referred to him as “Obama libre.” You can say it in Spanish, French, English, or whatever: the Thin Man is on a roll.


Charting a New Course on Cuba

President Obama just announced historic steps to chart a new course in our relations with Cuba, and to further engage and empower the Cuban people.