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12/19/14 4:13 AM

#21483 RE: idcc2006 #21481

Some history of Anatabloc re smoking cessation (sample searches):

"Star Scientific And Anatabloc: Does Anatabloc Really Work? Nuke John, Jun 10, 2013

"Star has been selling an Anatabine based product called CIGRx for the past four years as a smoking cessation product, and it apparently has some ability to curb the urge to smoke brought on by nicotine addiction"

Article at:

Anatabine Significantly Decreases Nicotine Self- Administration
Nancy K. Mello, Peter A. Fivel, Stephen J. Kohut and S. Barak Caine
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA

"Anatabine is one of the most abundant of the minor tobacco alkaloids but relatively little is known about its interactions with the abuse-related effects of nicotine. The acute effects of anatabine (0.18–3.2 mg/kg, IM) or saline on nicotine- and food-maintained responding were examined in four rhesus monkeys. Nicotine (0.01 mg/kg/inj, base) and banana-flavored food pellets (1g) were available under a second-order schedule (FR 2, VR 16:S). Anatabine or saline injections were administered 15 min before the food self-administration session began. Saline control treatment was in effect after administration of each anatabine dose until monkeys returned to baseline levels of responding. Anatabine dose-dependently reduced nicotine self-administration (P<0.05) with no significant effects on food-maintained responding. There was no evidence of sedation or other adverse side effects. These data suggest that anatabine could be an effective medication for treatment of nicotine addiction. Supported by DA026892 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH."

Article at:

A Natural Elixir…Good for What Ails Ya! Patrick Cox, February 203

"In fact, this alkaloid was discovered while searching for an effective smoking cessation aid. Researchers have long known that there’s more than nicotine in tobacco that leads smokers to smoke. This was obvious due to fact that smoking has powerful and pleasurable calming effects, via MAO inhibition, that nicotine does not provide. Moreover, despite the clear dangers of smoking, the tobacco plant has known medicinal values.

Jonnie Williams, the CEO of a company dedicated to lessening the harm of tobacco, Star Scientific, discovered that extra ingredient. After spending years and millions of dollars to find a safe food form of the substance, he proved safety with two years of Harvard University toxicity studies. Then, he put smoking cessation mints containing his anatabine citrate on the market."

Article at:

You can find more, just do a Google search: "stop smoking anatabine citrate"