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12/17/14 11:47 PM

#17234 RE: med5078 #17233

Maybe you asking the wrong questions.Hell maybe he just don't like you but yes I've received responces one yesterday.No one is pleased thats a common holder imho even me regarding a r/s.I own/hold shares that I paid over 4 cents.

I think the r/s could have been much less like a 50 or closer to 10 to 1.

Not trying to be a ass but what part of this pr don't you understand.Its crystal clear there is much interest in Tau but major weight players want more.If you don't think the man is trying then one should try to be a one man band cause its impossible.

I'm more interested in defending our patent estate cause anyone that can read knows the Shire trial will not be completed until late Feb and it may be March or April cause its Shire thats in control of that not anyone at Intellect.

I say if you breach a contract with me (Pfizer) I'm suing your ass and you either pay me every dime you owe me plus interest legal fees and damages or I will roll the dice and take my chances!

I would think we all hear something after the vote not before.