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12/17/14 9:07 AM

#203624 RE: wallas2g1 #203619

This is not directed at you Wallas2g1, but I'm fairly certain that Vanis/Ezra and everyone else at $MINE, are looking well beyond what anyone here is. A R/S split is highly likely if they plan to hit the big boards within the next year. Keep in mind I said WITHIN THE NEXT YEAR. They will NOT apply for the big boards in the next year. No way, they are still in the baby stages of this company. Yes they have a lot going for them with Amazon, UK, Walgreens etc etc, but they will hit National Distro first before the thought of the Big Boards, and then maybe a R/S might be necessary. What would be the R/S at these prices? 1,000:1? Maybe, but everyone knows after a R/S the stock tanks for a while, which would probably drop them below the regulated $ amount for the big boards.
The SS is only an issue if you make it an issue. It's necessary for them to clean it up when it is warranted. They can have as many share and use it for financing as much as they want, it's all being used in a positive manner. Nothing is toxic about this debt, the money they are using via shares are falling into $MINEs assets. Many have said there are WAY worse structures out there and they fly to multi-pennies. Why? because people have fallen into this fantasy land of hopes and dreams in the penny stock world that they will gain a cold 100k in a few days/weeks. They don't know wtf to do when a real legitimate company comes around. They revert to what they know, play the pump, sell on news...rinse and repeat. Holding in the penny world is uncomfortable for those who play it like a fiddle.
Bottom Line Up Front: IF a R/S is to happen, it will not happen in the next year or two. They will establish a NATIONAL market position, re-evaluate their goals and make an informed decision from there. To put a R/S on the table at this point is just shooting themselves in the foot. Companies will shoot out a R/S as a scam. Anyone here remember VKML/UPOT? Complete and utter scam, high hopes of everyone. Many made money, others lost out big. That is not the case here. Vanis has a plan and so does $MINE. Think what you want, but I am extremely confident that a R/S will not happen anytime soon, IF EVER.