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12/23/14 10:54 AM

#11640 RE: Vaffan-Coulo #11630

Good laugh this morning!

Previously I posted about "Ou est Michelle?" after Cooney had boasted about an ALLEGED patient he was treating who ALLEGEDLY posted this comment on her facebook page:

"And the Calmare machine, along with Dr. Cooney, have returned a smile to my face that is not a ‘mask..."

Cooney, however, did NOT reveal her last name -- as he ALWAYS has before with his "successful" patients -- NOR did he provide a link to the ALLEGED comment. Someone here posted a link to THIS facebook page:


How her identity was determined is beyond me! However, DESPITE carefully scanning the page, I couldn't find Cooney or calmare ANYWHERE!

Well, Cooney "updated" the story to reveal that "Michelle" is from Australia:

'ey, mate!

STILL no last name or link to ALLEGED quote! Comparing photos suggest that the link provided by someone here isn't the same person or else "Michelle" has changed a LOT!

And a google for "Michelle crps calmare" in the past 30 days STILL shows ONLY Cooney's website!

Gee! And to think I was SO looking forward to reading that comment on facebook! I guess I'll have to file that "desire" -- along with my desire to see some insurance EOBs posted on this board -- under "forlorn hope."