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12/16/14 4:48 PM

#138573 RE: mmoy #138572

Mmoy: fair enough...

I think the real movement in IOT and healthcare is going to be sensors and possibly silicon medical chip implants and monitoring equipment in the hospital. That's where I think GE is a really strong partner. I do agree Apple is ahead in sheer volume on Apple's iPhone share but I am not completely sure there health care stuff is better than anybody elses. I still marvel at how basic and even bad the heart rate sensor and simplistic monitoring in my allegedly fancy recumbant bicycle is:) It has no WiFi, it downloads data to USB and it is not much more than a calculator.

The area I think Intel can succeed is via sensors, tying that into the greater medical infrastructure. And to be fair, that is a ways away so we won't know the end game there for another 5 to 10 years. I don't see wireless heart rate ear buds as a terribly profitable deal for anyone so maybe I just missed the direction you were thinking.