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12/16/14 2:41 PM

#57453 RE: greggors #57452

Greg, I don't know off hand but TeeCee crunched the number of days approved the earliest, the average, and the latest for BTD drugs and it came down to 80+ days from BTD approval date as the earliest, with the average coming at 8/9 months and the latest coming in at 500+ days. So, 113 being BTD'd last October, approval in essence could come as early as January 2015 at the earliest, Aug./Oct. being the average time of approval(8/9 moths) and 500+ days at the latest(March 2016). January 2015 is a belated gift from Santa.


12/16/14 6:50 PM

#57459 RE: greggors #57452

Driving...I looked at all the times for drugs that received BTD, average duration would launch in Aug 2016. BEST case IS JANUARY 2015. If you search my posts you will find details. Rregards.