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12/15/14 7:52 PM

#138561 RE: Colonel Sanders #138560

> I'm sure I am not alone when I say that I have told all my
> friends who are thinking about upgrading their PC's by getting
> new PC's, that they should if they can, wait till Windows 10 is
> out.

When people ask me for recommendations, I ask them a variety of questions along the lines of how much they want to spend and what they currently have to see if it's worth considering an upgrade. Some people hate the idea of throwing away old equipment and some replace their computer when it is compromised by viruses and they don't want to pay someone to clean up their system.

> I am holding off personally on getting a laptop, till Windows
> 10 is installed on new laptops by default.

In general, I recommend Windows 7 if someone has to have a new Windows system right now. If they are open to new ideas and they have money to spend, then I recommend a Mac after asking about applications that they use. Mac sales are going gangbusters right now because of the Windows 8 debacle. After using my new Mac, I'm thinking that I may very well never buy a Windows computer again. Ever.

> As for Windows 8 being "more efficient" than Windows 7, what
> good is this so called "efficiency" when many people view
> Windows 8 to be the new Vista, and refuse to have anything to
> do with it?

My reference to efficiency is that presumably this efficiency will carry over to Windows 10 so that upgrading an old system will result in a faster system.

There was one huge annoyance (out of many of course) in Windows 8.1 and that was in forcing you to create a One Drive account which would be your cloud login on your local system. I upgraded my system and expected to just log into it using my old credentials. It wouldn't let me. I spent about 20 minutes trying to get around it and finally created an account and had to use the new credentials to log in. A week later, I figured out how to set it up so that my login was local. I couldn't figure out how to delete the One Drive account though. Microsoft indicated that they're having success with cloud services on the client and I assume that this means One Drive subscriptions and Office 365 subscriptions after free trial. I could see Microsoft forcing you to create and login through a One Drive account again as it's an eventual revenue source for them. I can also see a lot of customers, particularly business customers, hating this.

Apple, of course, displays a screen asking whether you want to log in using local credentials or cloud credentials [if you have them].

I would hope that Microsoft learns from their Windows 8 and 8.1 mistakes but I hoped that when I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 and they certainly didn't learn in that space of time. Instead, they doubled down on crappy.