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12/15/14 6:32 PM

#3737 RE: JRG19 #3736

your joking right? 100k volume sent us back to the .08s just a few weeks ago. News would send us to .50-$1....

This is just being manipulated on low volume. We will be trading back in the .07-.10 range here shortly.


12/15/14 7:09 PM

#3739 RE: JRG19 #3736

it was just at 7-8 a week ago? how is that asking a lot? it's pretty clear you have little to no trading experience. BFRE is extremely volatile due to the small share structure. It always drops on low volume and rises even higher on the same or even lighter volume.

Any n00b that's been watchin BFRE the past few months easily see this.