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Bird of Prey

05/19/01 3:50 PM

#129 RE: Was (Bob) #126


In this particular instance we aren't talking about a "personal board". The board in question is a stock board. Posts have not been deleted "willy-nilly". In fact there are many posts that I personally would have deleted from several posters for personal attack and thread disruption. The post in question was Off Topic to the thread it was posted on. Simple, straightforward. As far as I can see there hasn't been any discrimination towards Bixmann by being deleted. If anything I think some of the others posting there may have been discriminated against because their personal attacks (directed at Bixmann) were deleted while his weren't. Ultimately though Bixmann appears to be inspiring Gary and several others on the board to bone up on their research to refute Bixmann's claims. Since no one is hurt by this exchange of information, if that is the reason for the latitude given Bixmann then the end justifies the means.
Stock Boards can still suffer from thread disruption, just like Personal boards. The criteria for off topic has to be pretty strict. As I said previously, If Gary had deleted ALL previously Off Topic posts made by Bixmann perhaps this issue would not have arisen. Alas thread moderation is not an exact science. We must leave it in the hands of individuals. As long as there is a reasonable grievance procedure, things should work out OK.
Granted, so far I have upheld the CoB's decision. But a post will come that has been unreasonably deleted. Rest assured I will recommend that post be reinstated.
Additionaly, and this goes for everyone. The number one post killer is *OFF TOPIC*. Post in the right thread and your chance of deletion drops way down. And don't beat yourself up over getting a post deleted. Find the thread it belongs on and put it there!

David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey
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05/19/01 4:29 PM

#131 RE: Was (Bob) #126

Personal boards issue

IMHO, Discrimination based on a biased financial interest is completely unethical and ought not be tolerated by any stock site.

I absolutely agree! It would almost be best if the chairmen had NO interest whatsoever in the boards they chair. Of course who would then want to be the chairmen. Only promoters and people with financial interests seem to want to be the chairman.

Also, power corrupts. I personally believe that some RB and Yahoo TOS people delete posts/users which are not tos violations while overlooking TOS violations of other posters. For personal gain? I know yahoo now charges these public companies to be in their search engines. Conflict of interest. Can any message board be run fairly? I don't think so, some are just more fair than others.

There's a certain promoter here who states he has no interest whatsoever in the stocks he touts. Why then has he wasted years touting these stocks by starting so many boards if not for some sort of gain? He's done years worth of research, attended all shareholder meetings, toured the factories, met everyone who works there... Even momo players quickly move from one stock to another. Why does he also go to such extremes to attack people, delete their posts, threaten to sue them, harass them if not for some sort of gain? I'm a chairman of a board and I hate it, being attacked, trying to do the fair thing... How does that go? I wouldn't want anyone to be president who wants to be president. A very tough job. No thanks.

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Pawka baby

05/20/01 3:47 PM

#137 RE: Was (Bob) #126

Egads, my ENTIRE thread was deleted! It was similar to be successful SI thread here
My ihub version had no mention of anyone specific or attacks on anyon...the removal of the threa was promted by the person supposedly being attacked posting an attack on others!

This ihub...a weird place indeed...not like the world need another message board site anyway

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Constant Reader

05/20/01 4:29 PM

#138 RE: Was (Bob) #126

Hi Bob, I dropped by to see how you were doing in the new job only to find you apparently found better things to do. Based on what I read this morning, I think you made a wise decision. Best of luck to you!