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12/15/14 1:20 PM

#5942 RE: Bale out #5940

Bail Out, it will not matter how much logic is presented to some posters who try and ridicule posts that ask fair questions. When I decided to post back in April, Nuts and Bolts came to the defence of the company by suggesting "Don't know what you have been watching for 10 years, but it seems your eyes were closed a bit during that time"

And further From Mr Nuts and bolts he says:
"I SUGGEST, when you are able to "see" again you review the comments and press releases posted on this board or elsewhere and "see" for yourself what is going on with this company..."

Nuts and bolts also mentions "This is a money maker at $.30/share if you buy now and are willing to wait..."

Nuts and Bolts goes on further to say: "I've gotten well over a dozen people into SMME. Some as recent as last week. I'm still a believer....looking forward to a trip to the bank soon. Can't but think this week will be exciting for all of us long=time holders/investors.

Not To mention: The party before Christmas 2014 when smme wins big.

So the reality Bailout is it does not matter what facts are presented or what questions are raised, there are folks who are so convinced this company is a good thing that the comments made to justify the peculiar style of managing smme as a public company are simply quite laughable.

It is clear to me that there are several posters as well as myself who have been politely suggesting that there be some accountability of management to shareholders. It will become very clear sometime soon that the points that myself and several others have raised will in fact become pennystock news when the company runs out of shares they can dilute our holdings further with.

Remember it takes many more shares to equal a dollar than it did a year ago. Bailout, the weird numbers that you note may have lots to do with how smme pays their bills.

One of Nuts and Bolts most informative quotes that rings well is " I guess I also hear in your comment a BIG positive pat-on-the-back for Chaya for her ability to keep the company afloat despite a weak balance!!! Great Leadership!!