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12/14/14 3:27 PM

#159211 RE: Slojab #159210

Which ENTI

cusip #

Seems 3 active 1 defunct 1on the way and then there is also the Pegasus. overseas listing that makes ENTI Pop?

Only defined. ENTI is the one with all the mergered restricted shares that doesn't have a cusip#...

Does that make 5. ?

plus the shares H&G , 1ST HUDSON AND EMS etc took...

will that make 6,7 , 8, 9 and 10 ???

Is ENTI a mega company that will suck up worthy mico penny companies before the rule changes...???

Is Encounter a huge biitecoin sponge in the stock world...

Encounter seems set to spin and spin and spin $$

Maybe NO clean up needed...

Maybe 0 to 114 or more ???

I am hearing a huge sucking sound in stock land ???