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12/11/14 4:57 PM

#77896 RE: Vapobag #77895

If you believe in the tooth fairy perhaps....

It's really easy to understand,

speculation! Do you have any written guarantee that your "expectations" will pan out the way you describe this "easy to understand" scenario?

I expect to see Sal's equity in RIGH move to the new subsidiary.

the guy can't even accomplish a name change and you're hanging your 30 billion share hat on this new "entity?" (Or 24, or 26, or whatever the total is ... who knows?)
I read the fins, I see no specific reference to any of "Sal's" shares being bought back, speculation?

if Sal was planning on selling shares into the market, why hasn't he done so?

Is there any way to verify whether he has or not, is there any way to guarantee he never will?

It's really easy to understand,

The only things easy to understand about rightsmile is the snail's pace at which things get done, the only "secret" strain test lab in America, 30 billion shares authorized, still called rightsmile, unaudited financials, total lack of transparency and no SEC filings in the past 4 years. Those things I understand, excuse me for not having a clue concerning 20+ billion "control" shares.....first time seeing such a bizarre situation in stinkyland. And it stinks to the high heavens IMHO
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12/12/14 1:01 AM

#77902 RE: Vapobag #77895

Sal could have the entire AS and still not be able to "control" anything, as you have stated the common shares have 1 vote for each common share.

Aaron has 3.5M preferred shares that "control" 35B votes.

Sal "controls" nothing.

Aaron sure did confuse a bunch of investors with the 29B+ give away of the secretly increased AS to 30B with the 29B+ OS that he gave to us in a disclosure for the end of 2013 and confused shareholders even more by the disappearance of the 1.499 times 2 give away.

Aaron learned from one of the best, Matthew Dwyer.

"give'em the ole' razzle dazzle" and if that doesn't work, throw in "some sweet smelling cat pee."

How's that IPO or listing going for the newly created empty shell, Genius Biotech. If Aaron hasn't been able to accomplish a simple name change in almost 3 years what are the chances of Genius Biotech being anything but more "sweet smelling cat pee."

GL, this is and has been a share selling scheme for years and years and years and.....and will be when the next "new CEO with a new company and a new business plan" promotion starts and will happen "soon." The warning signs are in the "DD"