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12/11/14 12:59 PM

#57913 RE: reeceb #57912

Perfect Reece! You hit the nail on the head. Beautiful, sarcastic, and realistic all rolled up into one Quirky poem(pun intended). Great job!

Global Interface

12/11/14 12:59 PM

#57914 RE: reeceb #57912

LoL. Good one...


12/11/14 2:01 PM

#57916 RE: reeceb #57912

This should be stickied up top is relavent and future investors should beware


12/11/14 2:16 PM

#57917 RE: reeceb #57912

LOL sad but true


12/11/14 3:16 PM

#57921 RE: reeceb #57912

reecb, Thanks for the XMAS Poem, after 8 Reverse Splits do these people really think KARMA will not now come in to kick them all in their A SS's. What goes around will now soon come around full cycle. IMO

A Christmas poem...

'Twas another R/S and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except Joe Canouse
My shares were all sitting, in ETrade with care
In hopes that one day some profits might be there
When out in the news, there arose such a clatter
I jumped on the billboard to see what was the matter
A new CEO with a sparkling past
Was now here to save us, a great leader at last
But he diluted the stock, just as fast as he could
And I didn't get out, though I knew that I should
Now I sit here downtrodden, bag in my hand
How is this legal, I just don't understand
He sprang to his Beemer, to his team gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight
"Thanks for the cash suckers, and to all a good night!"