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12/11/14 1:14 PM

#24860 RE: pennypuptech #24859

Speaking broadly and realistically, I'd say 40%--60% of all
cancers NOWADAYS are triggered/caused by smoking. Lung cancer
alone accounts for appx. 60%--70% of those cancers. The "GOOD
NEWS" here is that, since the 1950's/1960's, the percentage of the
American population who smoke HAS DECLINED MARKEDLY from
a high of appx. 44%--46% to appx. 18%--19% today! WOW!

Another 20-25% are comprised of genetically flawed (in some subtle
way(s)) people who are/who become (due to dietary/lifestyle choices,
patterns, and habits...AND their bad genetic "luck") vulnerable and
susceptible to tumor inception, growth, metastasis (depending upon
when caught/diagnosed). Breast cancer alone accounts for at least
40%--50% of these cancers. Colon cancer another 20%--30%.

(This next grouping is blatantly speculative on my part.) Another
groups' tumors are triggered/caused by diet/obesity AND/OR excessive
life-time alcohol consumption. THAT group, whose types and locations
of cancers are quite varied, comprises another 15%--20%.

THAT leaves perhaps (depending upon one's moral/ethical values and
judgmental temperament) the most woebegone and unfortunate lot, those
who develop cancers of all types and locations FOR NO READILY OBVIOUS
OR EVIDENT REASON AT ALL. Just the luck-of-the-draw, I suppose.
People age...and People die. (YEEPS!) THAT group comprises
appx. 10%--15% of all cancers.

Just rambling here today.

Things are looking better and stronger than ever for TLFX, IMO.
The coming year 2015 could truly be a gigantic and monumental year
for both the Company and its Shareholders!$

All the very Best to Everybody and TLFX!$ :-)


12/11/14 1:35 PM

#24861 RE: pennypuptech #24859

Well, first you have to unplug yourself from the mainstream propaganda media you probably have become accustomed to. Then begin by seeing past the propaganda and you will see that just about every problem in America has its roots in drug abuse/poisoning. When we take a prescription drug, the first thing our liver does is attack it as an invader and spends its total time processing the removal of said drug. If it was good for us, the liver wouldn't act to remove it! If you have a year or two to research alternate media such as Alex Jones/, you may be able to deprogram yourself. You may even be able to remove yourself from the list of drones the US Government has with your name on it. TLFX plays on the weakness of society as brain-drained pharmaceutical junkie drones who will do anything to latch onto the hope of winning money to buy a new future...How did the stock market enable this? They created a whole stock market for poor and hopeless wannabe investors who think they are buying stocks, when in fact, they are buying lottery tickets! LMAO! OTC Pink and OTC QB are scratch tickets in disguise and are nothing more than a tax/transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.


12/11/14 5:47 PM

#24865 RE: pennypuptech #24859