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12/11/14 7:59 AM

#62275 RE: maxoliver #62250

This is a prime example of why you DON'T HOLD OTC STOCKS LONG.

No matter how rosy the picture looks, how transparent the company appears, how great it seems, nothing can reverse complete and utter failure. Whether the company was set up like that from the beginning as an elaborate scheme to draw money from unsuspecting investors and present on the surface the image of a real business, or whether the outcome is from a group of people that are simply inept, the end result is the same.

I would have to consider that at this time, it does look like an elaborate scam. And I think BeWary was right all along.

Don has been given this opportunity to prove otherwise. Will he do so?

I don't think so. I think they will play along and pretend to conduct business and max out this next AS and then call it quits. I don't think they ultimately care if the PPS is above a penny or if it's in triple zeros. Yeah, they can make more money if the PPS is higher to be sure, but all the same, they just have to get you to buy shares, and the money raised is syphoned off into their pockets.

I feel sorry for those who have huge positions here.

Be wary

12/11/14 8:57 AM

#62278 RE: maxoliver #62250

I'd respectfully suggest that all the "pumpers" wished they had the same level of shares as the so called "bashers"!

I get no pleasure out of seeing this going on and wish I'd found FLPC earlier so that I could have raised the alarm then. It only came to light when I was searching to see what Voaden had his grubby little paws in currently. All I could find was this and his venture into Liberia, not sure he will get away so lightly if he tries to have them over a barrel!!

It could be said that a persons past doesn't preclude them from having a more honest future but few leopards truly change their spots IMHO.

As soon as I looked at the FLPC website and earlier filings I could see the same pattern of fund raising and spending that was used at PPA. No doubt this isn't the only company out there up to the same tricks but it is one we can definitely say is!

The argument that OTC companies are always going to run the risk of being put together like this and that the investors should just take pot luck is pretty thin IMVHO. There should be far stricter regulations imposed and fraudsters imprisoned to let them know that IT ISN'T acceptable. They should also be barred from managing any sort of company for life.

Will we see a "dead dog bounce" orchestrated to get a few shares sold before the final collapse? If so anybody looking to shift them will need to be very quick, as the volume is likely to be pre-allocated.