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12/10/14 3:53 PM

#203386 RE: doogdilinger #203383

"Don’t you realize that there are short sellers, bad actors, people with grudges, competitors and others who are going to exploit this?"

Absolutely, and it should be exploited!! Shareholders should know what kind of CEO they are dealing with BEFORE they invest instead of finding out to late like first round investors. By now, with a little DD, it's buyers beware.


12/10/14 5:10 PM

#203388 RE: doogdilinger #203383

Let's look at one of the words used by the CEO....


well meaning and kindly.
"a benevolent smile"
synonyms: kind, kindly, kindhearted, big-hearted, good-natured, good, benign, compassionate, caring, altruistic, humanitarian, philanthropic; More
generous, magnanimous, munificent, unselfish, openhanded, beneficent;

So, he is upset that a shareholder has revealed his back room solicitations for money promising things that he can not guarantee to deliver BESIDES THE FACT IT IS ILLEGAL TO SEND SUCH AN EMAIL to selected shareholders? He is upset that by doing so it will not foster a sense of compassionate, caring, well meaning and kind reactions from other shareholders who didn't receive such solicitations or potential shareholders looking in? He is upset because he doesn't want the viewing public to see just how desperate he has been for money to simply exist and just how far he will go to get the cash?

Well, my goodness!!! Shame on anyone for not having warm fuzzy about a deceiving and underhanded CEO. Shame on them for having a conscience and common sense to understand what all of these emails reveal about this CEO. If someone doesn't understand, I feel sorry for them as they go through life. If they don't agree how wrong it is, they deserve what they get.

I find it nauseating and funny at the same time how with each email shared by hopetocashin the CEO speaks about doing things within guidelines of legality yet the very email is, by all my research and understanding, in itself against the law.

Personally, I am happy to see that there are still men out there like hopetocashin who are willing to stand up and reveal the truth. They sure seem to be a rarity these days.

All my observation and opinion.