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12/10/14 4:54 PM

#80617 RE: mickeybritt #80610

Never said that, but I'm not pissing and moaning about how i was duped and can't believe the unfairness of it all. I invest and take my chances and if it doesn't work out then it's my fault for investing in something so risky. I'm pretty sure no one put a gun to your head and demanded you invest money into a bankrupt, pink sheet mining stock. You did it because you had visions of a huge return on a minimal investment. There's always a huge risk, if you're gambling on a huge payout and when it doesn't work out then move on and don't repeat the same mistake if you don't like how it turned out. Of course I recognize this will all fall on deaf ears because the person failing to do their due diligence and believing what someone else tells them they should invest in can't possibly be held responsible for the decisions they make.