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12/10/14 10:23 AM

#44440 RE: Amanita #44437

Excuses excuses CDEx excuses ...

Your correct.

The JB mouthpiece has done nothing but tell stuckholders (TM Demmo) to

A) Buy ... All the way down from $430 to 5 cents. This being wrong every single day for over 14 years.

B) all of JB's mistakes were not his fault

Past business bankruptcies
Past personal bankruptcies
Current CDEx bankruptcy
Saying the G4 was ALREADY being produced every year since 2010
Try to distance JB from his LOCH involvement back in 2001.

On and on and on

Obviously JB needs some pawn to try to clean up a 100% losing track record and history and connections.

It ain't werkin


PS can't wait for the pseudo "Bank Loans" and G4 production !!!