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Time To Roll

04/30/06 11:33 AM

#4522 RE: moola26 #4521

It says unregistered, which can be worse or better than restricted. Unregistered shares can't be traded until the company registers them. ....

im a survivor

04/30/06 1:38 PM

#4528 RE: moola26 #4521

Read again...shares will be UNREGISTERED

That means they dont even truly exist until the company does register them.....actually could be worse then restricted as company can come forward anyday and say...we blew shares will not be registered....and you end up with nothing..not even restricted shares you can sell in 1 or 2 years. Then you have tyo ask how future dilution and rs's will effect them getting registered...

Personally, I think they will register them and you will get your restricted shares...they can screw you by not registering them for any number of reasons, but I dont see that happening, although it could..I see yall getting your restricted shares..I see alot of people that will be happy on the 11th when they see the bloated balance in their account, but I see alot of people getting sick to their stomach as the year goes on and value disappeears, imo...heck, they may even play more games...all current longs will be converted to apo, which cant be sold....An investment banker buddy told me he wouldnt be surprised to see them issue the restricted shares....folks will be all abuzz..then they run apo up a bit knowing a large % of apo cant be they now have the folks holding restricted going even more bonkers as they watch the price go up...they, and the upward movement creats alot of buzz and brings in fresh, new buyers at bloated prices...cause after all the deal is done and APO is going UP not it is proven to be a good deal after all......NOPE!! folks jump onboard..and then boom...they blow it up and bring it down...morew ways for insiders and mm's to line their pockets...I wont post the names here as it will cause an uproar, but my investment banker buddy E'd me a list of similar deals and a breakdown of activity for the year after deal....It was sickening to see how many deals like this were pulled off and how many people got killed and yes, I saw many instances of the above happening, as it is obviously another good way for them to make very good money courtesy of the sheep....One company the restricted shares had a .50 value - they ran it to $6.25 and had all buyers and no sellers...everybody went crazy..the deal was proved to be valid, the folks holding restricted were counting their money, ht new buyers wer all happy...but funnily, nobody could and order to sell, and they dropped the bid...very few that bought at .50 or above were able to sell much of anything as the mm's didnt want the shares, no matter the price...that was a classic sign things werent buy at .50, they are free trading not restricted...ask bid goes to $1.25x $1.50 and bids at $1.00 would not be touched...they kept doing this and bringing it up..then folks realized something was not right with this as people were treying to take profits well below the bid, but no sales were going thru, or very, very few......The end result..the stock fell to .0001 and now no longer trades and nobody got didly excpet the insiders and mm's.....and as always, a short time later the same people popped up, with yet another 'new company', and yet another new biz plan.....and 1.5 years later they did the same thing and once again, they went poof into the wind....and today, the same people run another pinkie currently trading..they will run that one into the ground, rinse and repeat.....