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12/07/14 12:40 PM

#77797 RE: Burn Notice88 #77792

Burn, your DD on RIGH has been excellent! We'll have to go back one of these days and check the accuracy of previously shared DD, speculation & conspiracy!


12/07/14 1:11 PM

#77798 RE: Burn Notice88 #77792

Glad to respond if/when there's a coherent argument there...

The scattershot links to your own posts that contain links to more of your own posts that are supposed to prove who knows what... make a coherent response impossible.

My simple point was that Angel stated he was going to "repurchase" 1.499 Billion shares:

Putting aside the very important question of where he might get the funds to purchase these shares (which he GAVE AWAY for services unnamed in the first place), RIGH ultimately DID NOT REPURCHASE 1.499 Billion shares.

Instead, we see "Sal's" (whoever he is) shares reduced by ~1.9 BILLION.

My speculation, which I labeled as such, is that there was a change of plans because of a potential conflict with Iowa law for Taylor Moffitt, as regards continuing to do business in a dissolved entity- KELSO Office Services.

(The post above directly addresses the point so is relevant.)

This change of plans, IMO, resulted in the "disposition" (can't call this a "repurchase" because it was not labeled as such) of ~1.9 Billion of Sal's shares rather than the 1.499 Billion shares that Angel originally claimed were in play.

And my more over-arching point is that all this is "backroom" and "shady" and smells to high heaven.

So again, that was MY point. I'm not sure what yours was.

I'd be glad to discuss it if you can make it clearly.

Best to all.