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12/06/14 11:57 PM

#5607 RE: wilma6311 #5605

Wilma, Wilma, Wilma....

Is that YOU at 100,000 shares @ .001?

Good luck honey. WE ARE THE FLOAT. And WE are not selling.

If you are trying to scare people into selling? Your attempts are futile.

This rocket is being fueled. WE did the diligent research. And we are TRULY blessed for the connections we have made in the process. The lift-off will be spectacularly glorious.

I do not wish you ill-will. I truly hope you grabbed some shares and we can share some quality time together "on the lake".

Peace and love from from SC, Hb ;-)

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12/07/14 12:22 AM

#5608 RE: wilma6311 #5605

wilma: Do you take Matt Herper's words over Dr.SS's own? Dr.SS said...

...that a huge portion of that STOCK will go into the NantHealth Trust

Dr.SS never said anything about "proceeds" and never uttered the letters, "I P O".

Think wilma, think. "Proceeds" from an IPO are a one day/one trick pony. "Proceeds" from the sale of stock can last a lifetime if played right.

Ten years down the road, would the NantHealth Trust be better funded selling shares (of which it will have a "huge portion" (most likely a majority)) of NantHealth to fund its projects as it needed to or still trying to fund projects off it's one time "proceeds" from the IPO?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it's worth the risk to purchase some shares of an empty shell that the worlds richest doctor owns and who is looking to take a number of LLC's public.

A foolish position to adamently insist that nothing will ever happen w/ KEYO and that "all will be lost here" when the SEC knew and knows about KEYO trading and yet they allow it keep trading before, during and after their "Operation Shell Expel". An even more foolish position to take insisting the SEC did simply overlook KEYO and that a call to them will get this shut down. We're still waiting.

Damn, wilma, I just realized...since the time you've been here over the months you could've made 3-4x's your money if you just would've taken the risk.

Did you notice Friday, KEYO traded more than that other NEO turd of a stock you continue to love. What's THAT tell ya!?

It's not that hard to admit that since the spring, that one's been a total loser and a total loss and this here, just the opposite...and NO DILUTION!!!!! YAY!!!!

Laugh at us if we lose money here. Wow. What kind of person says a thing like that?

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12/07/14 2:29 AM

#5609 RE: wilma6311 #5605

"yet he never corrected the words Initial Public Offering". OF COURSE HE DIDN'T! This has been explained to you how many times now, Wilma? By "correcting" and stating, that "going public" does NOT mean an IPO, he is essentially giving insider information because one could then conclude that an R/M is the only other avenue, basically. This point is not that difficult to grasp IMHO.
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was GoldenDD

12/07/14 9:21 AM

#5612 RE: wilma6311 #5605

Yes highly likely its going through an IPO , most likely NASDAQ IPO.
But its good to play here as loto , the swings up and down one can make some $$. I have been making some $ with this stock as the sentiment rise and fall.
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12/07/14 11:19 AM

#5615 RE: wilma6311 #5605

yet he never corrected the words INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING.

That's because he never said the words "initial public offering". He said "taking NantHealth public"...TWICE. I think he would have said "doing an IPO for NantHealth" if that is what will happen.

proceeds...something that does not happen with a RM, will be used to fund a trust.

It might help to actually read some posts:

From MH's article:

Soon-Shiong also announced that we should expect an initial public offering of one of his companies, NantHealth, next year

Again, I heard him say, "taking NantHealth public"...TWICE. What we should expect and what we're going to get are two different things!
It's going down alright ;-)