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12/04/14 10:06 AM

#6276 RE: New York Investor #6274

Looks like a gap in employment history, based on his LinkedIn page. Looks like finished school in 1992, and the oldest listed employment history is 2007 with the Texas Green Network. Hopefully the page is simply lacking updated information.


12/30/14 8:56 AM

#6277 RE: New York Investor #6274

I wonder how the CEO (John) keeps finding the money to buy new homes, pay for patents, expensive vacations, etc

I wonder the same thing.

Did John make any money when Bruce Pollock, Kenny Davidson and Bill O'Rourke were involved?

If they were such crooks, has John or the company legally gone after these guys?

If not, why?

I don't know these answers, just wondering. The only thing that I've ever seen with this regard is a PR.


01/06/15 8:31 AM

#6278 RE: New York Investor #6274

It appears your question is based upon the false premise that John's intent was and is in some way connected to providing investors with a return on their investment.

This kind of false assumption occurs when one believes a person's words and not their actions are the true indicator of that person's intent.

Let's see... John Graham took $96,000 in salary for FY ending in Sept plus got 20,000,000 shares of stock. No disclosure on how many shares he sold throughout the year but I'll bet it's a LOT.

John received another $12,000+ in rent on the corporate office.
And who built and paid for that lovely wind turbine on top of his building? BLDW. How much did it cost him?? Nothing... investors bought and paid for it. Who gets the revenue from the electricity it generates? I don't see that as a line item on the BLDW revenue sheet so that means John gets it. Sweet deal if you ask me.

And of course, John was reimbursed all so called reasonable expenses by the company as well.
And.. who got the property tax credits, if any, for operating an energy efficient building? John again.

So, John convinces people to pay for his wind turbine to put on his building and then to pay him rent (is it fair rent) for an office in his building.. all the while investors pay him almost $100k a year in salary plus giving him another several hundred thousand dollars in stock for him to dump into the market (sell the aged stock and replace with fresh certs.. FIFO style) all the while without ever generating any meaningful revenues or making any meaningful gains toward good revenues.

Where in this scenario does providing a return to the suckers who gave him all this money come into play? Seems to me, as long as he can keep getting more money from the market by only claiming he's trying.. why actually do more.

Imagine for a moment an NFL coach whose team goes 0-16 year after year and all the while the coach is making highly suspect trades and always saying... "Next Season" "Next Season". How long would the fans stick around before rebelling or the owner keep the coach on? Well... Coach Graham and his BLDW Turbines have gone 0-16 for years... my only question is why is anyone still holding the stock or if they can't sell because they've lost everything.. why are they wasting the precious few hours, days and years they have on this glorious earth dwelling on past mistakes? I think one's time would be better spent hugging their wife or children... or reading a good book... or volunteering for a noble cause... or changing one's shoelaces... or.. perhaps even researching intelligently for a legitimate investment. Heck.. even scratching off lotto tickets would be time better spent. At least there you'd have one chance in 5 of getting your money back and one in several tens of millions of striking it rich.