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12/02/14 1:33 PM

#8233 RE: PennyStockVirgin #8231

This tells me you don't understand the market, SK street King was aimed at and an urban black market with 50 cent the rapper. I watched it in Atlanta and they key being that demographic does not consume energy products nor have they ever. Black males who the brand was aimed at do not even use 5hr nor have you seen a 5hr ad aimed at this demographic. They do not consume monster or red bull but 50 cent thought that because of his success with Vitamin water they could reach and create a black demographic for energy products and that has been the failure. Lets look at stacker that has no branding and had done 250 million it is aimed at a white working class demographic and so is Git R Done Energy. Your comparing oranges and apples Larry who reaches a white demographic of working class men who are proven to drink energy shots VS SK a market that never developed and was aimed at the black urban market who do not consume energy drinks. I understand beverages quite well and set in on a session at the last bevnet that explained in detail why SK has failed. Git R Done will have national authorizations in 2015, I predict this and they will also have capital into the company. As to your comment the company has failed just the opposite name one Hangover brand that has sold over 2 million in sales in that category there is not one etc HJOE these are the real facts. The company has been in business since 2009 soon to be 6 years and has survived and actually launched a new product that reaches at the core of who uses energy products 80 percent of all energy drinks are consumed by white males. This is also a proven expanding market that is growing by 17 percent a year. so I think the brand is on target at the correct demographic. The key is to know the market and understand the brand. There will be more sales and authorizations both regional and national and capital into the company in 2015. I stand by these predictions.
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12/02/14 1:47 PM

#8234 RE: PennyStockVirgin #8231

For one thing there's no caffeine in Gitrdone energy shot.

We estimated the original Street King Energy Shot to contain 100mg of caffeine, but the new Extra Strength version (The only one now available) contains a whopping 280mg/bottle. Street King states that they have left out "common, controversial industry ingredients like taurine, guarana and ginseng".
Caffeine in Street King Energy Shot