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12/02/14 11:36 AM

#15595 RE: hydrodyne1 #15594

Get a form from your broker to turn over shares to them. They'll charge you a trading fee and close it off your account. It'll go on your losses then. I use Scottrade. That's the process there. $AERN

One day at a time


12/02/14 11:03 PM

#15599 RE: hydrodyne1 #15594

As my buddy hrypowr said, I did that same thing. Called E-trade and had them kill my shares as worthless asset. Cost me like $5 to do it but took the loss against my gain. AERN's little monkeys who took us for our money can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned. They should be ashamed for what they did. Taught me a lot of lessons tho! Best of luck to you all.