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11/29/14 5:43 PM

#258 RE: bud357 #257

Well Bud Yeah I would not sell it and remember something with the drop in crude prices and a little bit of an impact its had lithium stocks or with the Mud/Lithium and WCLDF as some people panic Is that Tesla and the US oil and Gas fracking Techno developments started in earnest in a time when oil was below $40 a barrel Circa 2008 2009 So I don't believe either are going to halt because of some price fluctuations currently that always happen with energy prices In addition as history has shown us energy is more likely to jump in price from a war,weather or political upheaval With Lithium and MUD stocks I don't believe you can go wrong long range as long as the company is got good financials with a reasonable PPS as the tooth paste is out of the tube and its not going back I can only play long as I don't have the stomach for short plays But to each his own Jet