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11/29/14 10:12 AM

#26544 RE: Xrouter #26543

If oncs could indeed turn 60-80 percent of the non responding population into responders then a 15-20 dollar buyout is not out of the question. Given that pd-1 is estimated to generate 35 billion in the next 5 years and Merck would be able to take a majority of the patient population and market share if oncs can deliver the results that they believe they can. Merck would be leaps and bounds ahead of their completion in response rates and lower SAE's. I don't think that a buyout offer will come until end of phase 3 and fda appoval however. So probally 3 years from now. Just imagine if everything went according to plan! Punit's shares alone would be worth close to 90 mil at 20 dollars a share, and I will be 33 and retired. I think that the prieces were being lined up right when dr. Pierce came to oncs. Now we have another member from Merck, our new in house attorney. Only time will tell.
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11/29/14 10:14 AM

#26545 RE: Xrouter #26543

As an example, Merck-Ga made a big investment in Threshold Pharma (THLD) just before phase II results were published on it's Pancreatic cancer drug. Results of the trial were very good but not astounding. They are financing the current phase III trial for the same drug in the same indication. I could see Merck doing something very similar with Oncosec if the efficacy of IL-12 is improved with Immunopulse.


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11/29/14 10:20 AM

#26546 RE: Xrouter #26543

Notwithstanding Dr. Pierce's relationship with Merck, I found the hiring of one of their senior legal personnel to become our general counsel to be "extremely odd."

Maybe that person is doing a bunch of due diligence on ONCS' IP to ensure that everything is "in order" before a buyout offer is tendered sometime later in 2015? Who knows.

IF a buyout occurs before any P3 trials have been completed I'd expect it to be for a little less than $1B. Right now I'd say we're worth $200-300M. Still, in any scenario, that's a huge premium from the share price today.

Whatever the case may be, the future is bright for ONCS and cancer patients around the world. At the end of the day, that is what really matters.
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11/29/14 10:45 AM

#26550 RE: Xrouter #26543

xrouter, I'm sorry you took my comment as an attack, gentle or otherwise. I'm not critical of your $20pps, I absolutely believe under a specific and unlikely set of circumstances that could be achieved in the next couple years or sooner. I just don't see ONCS being willing to do so. If a company was willing to make a $6B buyout offer, I think they would be equally willing to make a series of $500m licensing deals. Where you see all the ex Merck people setting up for a buyout, I see it as a sign that they won't do so. But we can agree to disagree on that for now. Regardless of our opinions, things will be what they will. GLT