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11/28/14 10:27 PM

#61449 RE: jack2much #61444

Yes... Absolutely I do!

However, I do not make investments based on price, I make investments based on a company's ability to implement their business model successfully.

I have had the opportunity to look at hundreds of start-up companies in the past and can tell you one thing for certain....

A company is only as good as its weakest link.

Regardless of how good a product may be, you have to have an Executive level management in place, that has a proven track record and an expertise in that industry, in order to bring that product to market successfully.

Unfortunately, this company is being run by a quasi stock promoter not a real business executive.

No education, no experience, no track record = NO RESULTS!

There is no way Robert is capable of competing with companies like Coca-cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Zephyrhills, etc.

And to be honest.... His interest only lies in creating a facade long enough to print and sell shares into the market place long enough for him to walk away with a pile of cash.

I took the time to review some of his press releases and was both amused and shocked at his audacity to make announcements that never materialized in any SEC or financial filings.

Now, all that being said, I'm not saying you can't flip and make money from time to time. I think this last week proved it. But anything that Robert Rico is involve with has a severe disadvantage. This is not a situation where we have legitimate people trying to make a go of their dream. This is a series of orchestrated events being done by very sophisticated stock players. Anyone investing their retirement money on a big payday here is in for a very sad result.

Someone asked me to do a little due diligence on this company, so don't shoot the messenger.