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11/28/14 9:25 PM

#37496 RE: Skail #37494

I agree Skail...

However, it was all worth it if REDG Leadership changes their tune and the way they interact with the investment world. Just saying delay of GSL and investor video over a week away, was not acceptable in any fashion.

The strong response from investors is what caused them to do a 180... It brought too much negative attention on the company and could have killed it's reputation.

I hope Mark being from the social media world, was behind this new call for interaction with investors and will continue. I hope REDG now understands we just want a little taste of information and assurances, not the full press release...

Just my opinion.

I hope this new interaction from REDG continues.



11/28/14 9:39 PM

#37499 RE: Skail #37494

I concur!


11/28/14 9:42 PM

#37501 RE: Skail #37494

the human race is basically a bunch of howler monkeys throwing poop at each other...I stopped being surprised a long time ago