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11/28/14 3:23 PM

#146467 RE: HKipp1 #146466

HKipp, there are a lot of good people here. Many went to meet Jim
Brisco on the Tour last year. Many listened to what he had to say
and watched all of the information he presented. That was enough to
get many new follower's and also Private Placement Investors as well.

It has been very difficult for us, especially those of us with lower
levels of patience. "ME". But, the story really only gets better as
we move forward. These have been tremendously difficult financial times
no matter what numbers the government continues to put out. Sure, the
DOW and NASDAQ are fueled by TRILLIONS in money the government pumped
into the banks and ETF's - but that money is used to propel corporate
interests - not small cap, pink sheet, or OTCBBQ's

So, as we think about our reason for being here - we need to understand
that this has been a long excruciating trip for Liberty Star's crew as

Happy Holidays to all here - keep the faith - keep helping support the
pps when you can - and hopefully one day very soon we will begin our
gradual ascent - to who knows where - it's possible for well over a
dollar with the right set of circumstances - I'm saying this with a