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11/28/14 10:48 AM

#49186 RE: lesgetrich #49183

you need to be very wary of this Q2 financials, especially if hte VCIG dvidend hasn't been given yet.


11/28/14 11:01 AM

#49190 RE: lesgetrich #49183

Les your right and thats the reasons I'm holding long and buying when ever I get more funds.

Senior Chief

11/28/14 11:45 AM

#49201 RE: lesgetrich #49183

Hi lesgetrich: I also expected such a drop after the X-Div date but I was hoping not since I'm in so deep with 255,000 shares of MCIG. I have the funds to purchase more MCIG but because I'm in so deep already plus my 3 cancer doctors tell me that although I beat the cancer for the second time they fully expect that I'm not done fighting it due to being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. And they said the chances are good for "The Deadly Melanoma Cancer" next time vs. the Carcinoma cancer that I've fought and beat twice. Does anyone have an educated guess when we will see the VCIG Share in our accounts, I trade with Scottrade? I've been pretty much away from watching the market and my stocks since September 2014 so I'm not fully up on what has been going on. I hope that y'all had a great Thanksgiving and I wish all of my fellow MCIG investors an enjoyable and safe Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus. I hope for a very profitable 2015 for my fellow MCIG investors. Most sincerely, Senior Chief