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11/27/14 12:04 PM

#203087 RE: Tiburon99 #203083

WNBD's CEO has proven completely incapable of branding/commercializing ANY of WNBD's own products over the past 9 years so what proof/track record of performance is there to give anyone any reason to believe that this CEO can/could successfully commercialize another co's product(s)???

So far that so-called bed bug treatment/solution has ZERO to do with WNBD because it's not even ready for market by the company trying to produce it/make it market ready...and the only product that blau aire company does have market ready their blau aire turbo...has already been announced by WNBD's CEO over 2 months ago as the 1 product he's trying to commercialize...yet all he's been able to deliver in the 1st 2 months of his so-called commercialization attempt of the blau aire turbo is blogs and a supposed trial at a pot shop in Colorado with a secret customer who won't even green light WNBD to even use his name!

Which is sooooooooooo typical of how this CEO has been attempting to commercialize all of WNBD's own products over the past 9 years let alone attempting to joint venture with another company that's already proven incapable of commercializing their own product!
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11/27/14 10:43 PM

#203105 RE: Tiburon99 #203083

It would be nice to know exactly what WNBD gets for selling these units for the company that actually makes them. My guess it is a 5-10% commission. It would be nice if WNBD actually made some of the products that it sells so it didn't have to pay someone else to manufacture,fill,label, and ship all the product it sells. Any profit to be made on the products is all going to BlauAire or Surefil in Michigan. Even with hiring someone else to do everything the companies operating cost still runs 2-3 times sales. The company could increase it's sales by 60-75% or more and they would likely still be operating in the red.