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11/26/14 8:39 PM

#72899 RE: cricket69 #72898

Good detective work cricket69!! You work on cold case files?? lol
Happy Thanksgiving all


11/27/14 9:15 AM

#72900 RE: cricket69 #72898

Perception is often not reality.Perhaps that "detective work" was premature?

Friday, 07/01/11 11:05:07 AM
Re: A deleted message
Post # of 72899
well, i flipped this twice now for good profit and holding freebies just in case it runs again (on speculation of course).because this goose is cooked.

A wise man once said "it is better to be silent and be thought a fool,than to speak and prove it".

So which is it? You know for a fact or it's your opinion?

So then I was right, you lost and have a never ending vendetta. Pinkies are a risk Lou - I know for a FACT you know that. IMO