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11/27/14 6:51 AM

#56755 RE: investor maven #56754

I thinks it's pretty widely understood that they messed up with dosing on inclusig and then almost on 113. It has nothing to do with marketing and no one knowledgable on the subject would imply that. In the case of inclusig it was ariad pushing the dosing too high hoping for such incredible superiority in efficacy ( which they got) they ignored tolerability. In 113 it was first them trying to get egfr as an indication and then even when they backed off the 240 mg dosing continued at 180 and saw adverse events til they incorporated 90mg start dose. It was dosing screw ups. With respect to inclusig Even Cortez reduced dosing in his trial before ariad did.


11/27/14 8:20 AM

#56756 RE: investor maven #56754

What does determining a dose in a clinical trial have to do with marketing?