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11/26/14 4:44 PM

#4344 RE: Markywalberg #4342

Sorry, but pretty much every post I have read by you seems to be on the PWS side. If there is a particular post that you want us to read for your "analysis" of ROX, please by all means include a link to it. I (and no doubt others) will give you the benefit of the doubt.

As for my valuation of this company, I have touched on this many times and have expressed my opinion to try to value ROX like any other established business basically doesn't work. You have to look at the numbers, but you also have to look at the company's growth factor, management factor, who's backing it and how much skin in the game they have, but perhaps most importantly you have to look at the value of each brand represented by the company.

What is the value of Gosling's Rum, one of the most popular brands of Rum, the only one people can use in a Dark N Stormy? What is the value of Jefferson's, one of the most innovative bourbon brands founded by one of the most respected people in the industry? What is the value of one of the most popular Limoncello brands on the market? What is the value of the fastest growing Irish Whiskey brands?

Some people try to valuate ROX based on current EPS numbers like they would valuate a stock in the SP500. Obviously, you have to take a completely different approach here. You have to look at ROX as a ball that's been thrown up in the air and be able to foresee where it will be at a certain time in the future. It's hard to catch a ball that travels fast thru the air based on where it is at any given moment. Instead you should try to predict where it will be at an expected time.

Thats why growth stocks like ROX should always be valued at future projections derived and based on a variety of metrics and factors.

For example, how do you value a brand like NIKE when it is in its initial growth stage and having barely tapped its market potential? You must take into consideration its financials, the quality of its products, the demand for its products, its growth rate, the size of its potential market reach, the people behind the company and how much skin in the game they have, etc. Many many factors such as these need to be considered when you value a growth stock like ROX.